organised campsites

organised campsites

campsites organizzati bil facilitajiet sanitarji u pools bi ftit impattt fuq ix xenarju flok il beachouses bhal tal armier u ohrajn simili li jwassal ghal forma ta turizmu li f malta ma ghandniex izda issibu hafna fl ewropa


Pero' dawn il campsites ghandhom ikunu ristretti ghal-tined biss u mhux ghal-caravans kif sar f'xi campsites ohrajn, li wara ftit zmien isiru permanenti. Kif ukoll ghandu ikun hemm massimu ta' granet imposti.

tourism purposes

I think it would also offer many good summer jobs for youths, without harming the environment.

there should be sites for tents and others for caravans.. and not allowed to set up anywhere else. like at zonqor and mistra... making the areas into shanty towns.

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