There is so much underused greenspace in Myrick park and I think it would be great to put several firepits throughout the park. The design could be like what you find at campsites, with a grill for cooking. Check out this version of firepits in Madison, WI
I love this idea! I wonder if it would be good to have permits be required by the fire dept?
I like this idea and can see the pits being used frequently. I too wonder about the permits, while nice to have them would it deter folks from using them. Does Myrick have a set closing time, similar to riverside, if so would permits be need so they know who is out there and when? While also considering if areas that have them...developed a system of ensuring fires were put out after park close or usage?
People love to gather around fires and not everyone has a firepit in their yard. Community firepits would bring people together to use community space that is frequently not used.
I was wondering about permits too. I think different communities handle firepits in different ways. I think they would get more use if permits were not required. We saw pits along the beach in Oceanside, California and were told they were first come first serve and very popular.
I was recently in San Diego and noticed the firepits on the beaches where families gathered for hours making hot dogs, s'mores, etc. It seemed to be a great place for building community and providing free gathering space for families.
How would the wood be provided? Would it be BYOW or could we inquire if someone (parks & rec; non-profits) could sell at myrick during the fire pit season?
Yes, this would be great. It works in campgrounds and beaches (as Ashley mentioned). COuld be super fun.
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